Sunday, November 13, 2016

Video Bits on the Amazing World of Cats!

We have been entertaining stray cats for long time now and have started keeping the cats as pets at home.

The world of cats around adds value to the quality of day to day life.

Now and then, we take the photos and videos of cats in action.

This blog provides the link to many of the video playlists of cats we have documented.

Playlist: Mother cat playing with kitten

Sample Video:

Playlist: Fun with Cats at home!

Sample Video:

Playlist: Stray cats visiting us!

Sample Video:

Playlist: Ally Cats Fighting

Sample Video:

PlayList: Monthly Bath for the Cats

Sample Video:

Both the adult female cats got spayed, the black one was pregnant then. It had to manage its hormonal imbalances, so it got closer to the kitten of its sibling. Here is one video of the aunt cat taking care of its sibling's kitten!