Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Applet is a very big deal!

I am not much into happy birthday's, but am overwhelmed by the wishes, thanks to one and all!

As I am required to transition to consider what others think important also as important, I need to make a mountainous effort to catch up with happy birthday culture.

Therefore I need help.

I need a reliable applet that runs on both android and IOS to manage happy birthday wishes. This applet needs to have the following requirements.

1. It interfaces with all the social network sites and stores everyone's birthdays. It automatically sends birthday wishes to the persons on all possible and allowed social network profiles and emails.

2. It also interfaces with the address books and extract contacts, allows to enter birthdays where info is not available.

3. It allows one to pre-mark the friends for birthday wishes. The ones not marked will not be wished.

4. It allows to store a default wishing message.

5. It allows to customize a message for a particular person or set of persons, beforehand.

6. It keeps a log of all birthday messages sent, it also receives acknowledgements and thank you notes for the same.

7. It allows to manage and clear message logs in one go or selectively.

8. It is quite handy for one to manage his or her birthday. It allows to edit the birth date as needed. It allows to block or open to receive birthday messages. It is intelligent enough to read birthday wishes from social network profiles and emails and log them in the applet. It allows to send a standard or customized thank you note to all the wishes.

9. All messages can have an attachment with reasonable size limit to make the message personal and with additional value add.

10. It has an analytic engine to analyze the birthday wishes by different parameters.

11. These applets will monetize their investment through advertisements, which again are tuned by the ad suppliers based on profile info they already have.

12. The app also grows over time and helps to social network better across multiple sites. For example, it can become a single broadcasting agent to place a post in multiple sites or multiple groups in a site.

13. The app also allows to send and receive gifts electronically. Either these gifts are linked to a e-commerce registry site or virtual gifts can be made to and fro net banking, debit card, credit card, phone recharge etc. The permissions for the same are controlled by individuals.

14. With permissions set by individuals, the birthday wishes and the gifts associated can be accessed by commercial entities and other third party marketing parties.

15. The apps are extensively used by agencies where birthdays cannot be missed. Schools, colleges, alumni bodies, groups, clubs, families and friends etc. etc.

16. Eventually this app grows to be yet another popular social network forum.

Key value addition of this applet is to make the birth day wish sending and receiving a cakewalk, and making acknowledgements for the same automatic. Strategically, it helps to extract more strategic value out of these transactions in terms of increased friendship, intimacy, interaction, collaboration, and value exchanges. With the help of cloud based analytics, it helps the individual to bring more focus, strategy and impact in the networking associated.

Eventually, this concept is extended to the commercial space, customer management based contexts can leverage this concept further, especially by small businesses and business chains.

Bottom line, the individual or institution is made to focus more on connections and the emotions associated, necessary grunt work is taken care by the applet.

I am disappointed that no giant has thought of such an ubiquitous value add. Therefore, whoever leads on this value add will become another giant in the social networking space.

This thought is my gift to the universe on the valentine day of 2017 which is also my birthday!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Story of attempting to build an urban evergreen jungle on our terrace since Year 2010!

It is June 2010, the old terrace was water treated against old cracks.  The narrow surroundings around the house had not enough sun rays for the flowers to bloom. So, the initial idea was to establish a flower garden. So, with 20 pots, the flower garden was installed.

But the story developed further. Within 2 years since then, a clarity came to transform the sides and top of the house into an urban evergreen jungle.

The efforts are on since then to get the jungle. The jungle is no way complete or close to it. But, tremendous learning and diversity of interesting experiences.

A new hobby, called Garden Photography emerged.  For those who may wonder why there are so many photos in an album, answer is that there is a method to my madness. The garden is a living being, it varies across space (eg. different fruit or flower) and time. Further, my camera look at it also changes. Admit, that the volume of photos may tire you if you are not a garden photography buff, in which case you may go for a faster glance across the album in one go!

A new FaceBook group called Urban EverGreen Jungle was created.

The experiences here helped to identify core principles of establishing an Urban EverGreen Jungle as follows:

This group is to promote the concept and practice of urban evergreen jungle throughout the world. The principles of urban evergreen jungle are as follows:

1. Maximum green coverage per urban sq feet

2. Bio diversity including all plants, birds, animals, insects and all other beings, In the age of species going extinct, position our private and pubic urban space as a refuge and sanctuary for maximum number and type of beings to survive and proliferate across partnering spaces through exchanges.

3. Organic way of cultivation with no pesticides, chemicals etc, promotion of permaculture

4. Leveraging urban setups for conservation and sustainable way of life leading to increased harmony in our life

5. Maximize utility value in terms of food, medicine, bio products, shade, oxygen etc to all beings, not just humans

6. Waste management by converting all organic waste into compost and practicing integrated waste management

7. Integrate gardening, forestry, agriculture into one artistic practice towards sustainability and harmony!

8. And most importantly transforming our urban spaces especially homes and all other buildings and structures into a green space that deserves to be called as jungle!

9. Assist individuals, families, communities, institutions and agencies to benefit from the intentional urban green cover at all levels, commercially, ecologically, culturally, emotionally and spiritually!

Since everyone do not want to identify self with a jungle in an urban scenario, another FaceBook group called "Garden Show & Tell / Ask & Learn" was established for all well meaning gardeners to share their experiences, learn and expand further on their hobby. This group has no curbs or limitations as to type of gardening.

In 2016, attempted to document the wisdom learned in developing the urban evergreen jungle

Given below are some other videos from our Urban EverGreen Jungle:

Given below are the links to the FaceBook photo albums, capturing the status of the jungle through different timelines.

Year 2012 thru Year 2017:

Year 2009 / 2010 :

Year 2011 / 2012:

Year 2013 / 2014:

2015 Q1:

2015 Q2:

2015 Q3:

2015 Q4:

2016 January:

2016 February:

2016 March:

2016 April:

2016 May:

2016 June:

2016 July:

2016 August:

2016 September:

2016 October:

2016 November:

2016 December:

2017 January:

2017 February: