Ashrama Gardens has been quite a nightmare for the wandering cows these days as the lush green attracting them from a distance leaves them high and dry as the idiot who maintains the greens has shut them out by having no suitable plant for their palate. The disappointed cows leave the space in slow pace, only revenge they can take is to leave no cow shit behind for our garden use.
Yesterday night was special for the two teenager cows (could not check their gender), it looks like the night belonged to them, They went on a night out campaign, the cow shit they left behind at our gate is the proof that they got to eat some good healthy street food much before arriving here. For a change, these teenagers decided to say no to the usual disappointment waiting for them at our fence and road side gardens. They decided to turn the situation into a mid night stand up comedy. They said, "let us carefully shave off this fellow's fence ornamentation with Thunbergia, and then let us shit all around, drink all the water kept for the pathetic street dogs, and also eat all that yummy glucose biscuits left for these lowly animals and make some merry, rest here for a while to digest and shit, and then slowly drag our feet to wherever next we need to go.
I was distracted with my own work and stayed late into the night, when I came out for the dinner dish out for the dogs before it is my time to sleep, I saw these two teenager guests resting right in front of my gate. Though they were bit startled by me, their siesta slumber laziness post fiesta did not have them quick, and my body language of carefully opening the gate and stretching my ugly legs around them sounded no threat to them, so they carried on their post comedy chillout party with their wildly wagging tongue. Being busy with my own affairs and due to darkness, I had missed all their comedy and went to bed.
This morning I get up and come out to pick the morning news paper, my first surprise is the Thunbergia haircut on our gates.
It was done craft-fully, the creepers as such were not pulled out from the gate, but all the leaves, old and new are almost gone. Looked very funny. Came out and saw that good amount of greenery on the fence too is gone. There is quite a mess on their stage, they shat all around as part of their stand up comedy.
The sign board on the compound wall which usually is obscured by the thunbergia, not helping the hapless strangers looking for the name of the house while searching the address, is quite visible this morning, thanks to their comedy act.
Further funny thing was that the effect of their comedy persisted beyond their night. I was already filled with laughter looking at the funny looks of the gate and the fence with this surprise haircut, so meticulously done with no noise and permanent root damage to the Thunbergia scalp of our compound wall, appreciating their stealthy stand-up comedy act as a fitting revenge to my unkindly and miserly act of leaving no food for their thoughts around our compound wall, I could not help splitting into loud laughter when I saw the dancing dog (who is very early this morning, meaning I got up quite late), and was very busy making a breakfast out of the comedy shit they had left behind on their stage upon rare performance, also no residual food from previous night's dish out was a major push for this dog to force into celebrating the joke much after the time it was delivered.
Drinking water left for the dogs is quite low here, meaning the cows got hungry and helped themselves with some water to digest the food.
I knew, the final laugh will be mine when we clean up the mess here and take all the shit into our garden games. Left a huge pile of breakfast treat for the stray dogs, and crashed into the bed for some more sleep I deserved.
But the act of this mid night comedy lingered in my heart and mind, I could not sleep as a result, came out to take pictures, could not help noticing the agony of this dog, wondering whether to enjoy the delicious glucose biscuits I had left for his kind, or give into the primal instinct of making merry with the cow shit left behind.
As I came in with my camera in hand, noticed that keeping up with the appearances took over on the primal, the same dog pulled the packet of biscuits to the other side, had its share for the morning and walked out.
The official dog food too I leave behind, was kept untouched as usual, as there street dogs, well fed, have become social eaters, so they help themselves for the more tasty but less healthy glucose biscuits, leaving the biscuits feeding bag empty in no time, asking for more. But this official dog food helps me in lowering my guilt, as the real hungry and hopeless dogs wandering for the whole day and accidentally hitting upon this spot with the help of food aroma, helps themselves with the meal of the day and vanish in no time before the territory owners could pounce upon them with loud barks.
Instead of cleaning the stage mess of this mid night comedy quickly, I allowed the disgusting street flies to have their merry with their comedy, as I decided to extend this to you all through this quick write up.
The cows mid night comedy had an useful message too to the eager gardening audience. It seems that even a hungry and adventurous teenage cow does not want visually tempting Mexican Sunflower leaves as its food fetish for the lustful night. This is good news for planting Mexican Sunflower by the roadside!
Look forward for more such comedies, day and night, around our urban jungle, Ashrama Gardens! You will not miss a glimpse of such, will at least report them as an after event recount!
Thank You!