Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Good Doctor - An inspiring hospital drama series - 5 seasons - on Netflix - Must See!

Hospital drama series are generally popular on TV, but "The Good Doctor" is unique and inspiring.

If you are a good doctor, see it, and take a bow. You may already know that to be a good doctor, just the medical skills are not enough, it is all about becoming a superior human too.

If you are aspiring to be a good doctor, it is a must see.

For the rest, the series is inspiring to become the best human one can attempt to become. Hence it is a must see.

That is the bottom line.

For further read:

Now a days, when I watch the media productions, I do not see just for the entertainment value. I become one among the production team and wonder what it takes to make such a creation. This way, I get double dose of benefits on watching good creations.

Human expression is definitely becoming complex, so let us not stay behind. Our reality is becoming a matrix, which means we simply have more choices for an enriched life. But, the bottom line remains, that we deserve an enriched life experience, that is fulfilling until the end.  Of late, we see more avenues for our life expressions, not just the reality we are well used to, it is the world of internet, world of social network, gaming, world of virtual realities and their various extensions that are being built.

One virtual reality, human kind is well used for more than a century now is the world of cinema, which then transformed into TV production, and now streaming. The art of story telling and dramatizing is improving year on year.  I have extended my living into this virtual reality by spending  up to 25% of my daily routine during waking hours watching such a fine art.  The fulfillment is not just in entertainment, there is so much learning about self and the world, but also there are inspirations and creative inputs to the self to excel in the overall life out there. 

For the last 10 years, I am not just watching as an audience,  I attempt to become a director, script writer, casting person, photographer, actor, editor, special effect person, music director, support crew etc. while watching, I end up appreciating what might have gone in to making these visual art works, especially  mounting so many masterpieces.

I also have had deep experiences in the reality out there, which I call the episodes of "enchantment". When I become one with the reality with all senses and realms  fully engaged into it, the reality becomes dream like and perfect. The thought vanishes, time stops. The bliss is the main expression and it is like getting very high with no drug use.  The experiences of these "enchantments" become the benchmark to extend the journey of life to produce the same experience every moment ahead.

If we can experience "enchantment" in the reality out there, it should be easier to experience the same through virtual reality, for distinctions I will call this as "inchantment", meaning it is within a virtual reality than the reality, but the experience is as if it is enchantment in the reality out there. In enchantment, the reality is dream like, in inchantment, the virtual reality is like the reality, and therefore it too is special.

I have had many such inchantment episodes with the virtual reality of media productions across cinema, TV and now streaming. More I have such experiences, more respect and interest I have for the efforts behind creating such efforts. Imagine the meticulousness that goes into such productions, we need to simply ask a question, "What it takes to apply the same meticulousness to project the production of my life out there in reality". Implications are mind boggling. I will at least take a pause and ask one question, "What lessons I am learning for life ahead from watching this production?". I have watched at least 15,000 such productions so far, and asking the same question again and again is slowly making a difference in my life.

Probably certain gaming experiences too may provide the same effect, but I have not signed up mainly due to lack of time and risk of addiction and losing out to the reality out there.

What if these inchantment experiences also become an inspiration to do well out there in the reality. That is double bonus. The Good Doctor is one such gift to watch.

Let me end with the bottom line, whether you choose to watch The Good Doctor. It is possible to become a better human than before, and we can stay signed up for it all the time. The growing matrix of human expressions just gives exponential opportunities to do so, while the challenges too are surmounting. The game is becoming bigger, let the play and the spirit behind too grow with it.


Nataraja Upadhya