Sunday, August 21, 2022

Becoming Free from Diabetes! - A myth or a reality ? - A report after attending a free introductory session from Dr. Pramod Thripathi

Becoming Free from Diabetes! - A myth or a reality ? -  A report after attending a free introductory session from Dr. Pramod Thripathi in Bengaluru hosted by Rotary High Grounds, Bengaluru on Aug 21, 2022


Context: I had an opportunity to attend a free introductory session (Rs. 250 value if done online from main website) by Dr. Pramod Thripathi who has been engaged for last 9+ years in helping diabetes patients towards becoming “free from diabetes (FFD)”. Apparently, approx. 30K people have undergone his paid annual program, and 13K of them have become free from diabetes while the rest have been able to reduce its impact.


Since there was a debate within my friend circle on this claim, pro and con discussions following about this claim, I became curious to know more, so volunteered to attend the program. In my personal case, though I am not genetically predisposed to have diabetes, I had endured it due to a life style lack of discipline with irregular sleep, lack of proper exercise and diet, too much consumption of sugary and processed food etc.  Though later I have contained it through life style, I do know I can do better, and am hopeful of becoming free from having to take medicine eventually. But I know, I lack commitment and discipline to get into the regime needed.  So, I thought, this is an opportunity to step up in this direction.


Here is what I gathered from the introductory meet:


The session started with the sampling of folks mostly the course graduates, recounting how many years they had diabetes, and since how many years/months they are FFD which means no more medicines to take.


Dr. Thripathi highlights the  issue as “Metabolic Syndrome”  which is combination of diabetes + obesity + hypertension+ high cholesterol+ hypothyroyd+ PCOD. He stresses that anyone going through Hba1c test with  result more than 6.5 with or without medicine is considered diabetic.


He then indicates that the reversal process involves the reduction in blood sugar, fat, bp, cholesterol, and intake of medicine eventually leading to stoppage of medicine.  He also warns that the life style can also lead to the reversal itself reversing again, which he calls as re-reversal. Later he communicates that his online course is spread over one year and it employs a slow process with different priorities at different stages.  So, he warns that life style choices do become key even after the reversal.


He highlights that if one can do 108 Soorya namaskar in one stretch, that can be a good benchmark of health. Later he introduces the concept of Chair Sooryanamaskar as one of the key exercises, the details of which are available as YouTube video, refer to all the links given at the end of this document.

He also indicates that one can do squats from the standing position, which too helps.  He says the walking may not help the diabetic condition in healing beyond the point of burning excess calory. He stresses the point that one needs to strengthen the muscles beyond what walking can do about it.  He reminds that the key aspect of exercise is to use the body against gravity. He quotes that the simple exercise of climbing up and down the stairs for 10 minutes post dinner (2 hrs after dinner) has proven to reduce sugar levels immediately by 30 to 60 points.


He recommended one to commit to build the stamina for doing 108 soorya namaskars over time.  He also suggests attitude adjustment to feel younger. For example, he says do not call anyone as x years old, rather say  x years young. He quotes a 70 year young man who does 100km continuous cycling everyday, and he quotes that is being young and healthy.  He challenges the diabetic patients to aim passing the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), which serves as a good motivation towards reversal.


When it comes to life style, he says it is all about becoming wiser, diet wise, fitness wise, psychology wise, medically wise, apparently his course helps on all these. He then narrates 5 primary causes for diabetes: acid and inflammation, excess fat, stuck up blood, reduced muscle strength,  and stress. He explains that all these five factors lead to increased insulin resistance in the cells.


He then explains the relation between the sugar count and the eating habit. He explains that typically 1 roti, 2 idlies, 1 dosa, 1 cup rice, 1 cup poha, 1 cup upma each have 5 spoons of sugar, one tends to have 30 spoons of sugar intake with normal food habits daily.


He then explains what is meant by normal sugar level.  A Normal sugar reading  of 100 means 5 gm sugar, which is typically 1 tea spoon in entire blood system.  He then says the liver and muscles store more sugar than blood. Liver typically  20 tea spoons and muscles 100 tea spoon, while blood has only 1 tea spoon as a normal case. He says the  resistance in liver and muscle too will release excess sugar into blood, then pancreas will work overtime, first line of attack is to produce more insulin, which helps muscle and liver too. More insulin means more growth as it releases excess sugar to cells, leading to bloating of liver. More insulin also means more blood pressure. More insulin means more cholesterol from liver. Also hypothyroid problem. Eventually, insulin secretion can not keep pace with the demand. He reminds that there can be more causes than first 5 primary discussed in the session, but it is far more important to understand these 5 factors first.


Acid build up means getting older faster. Acid increases insulin resistance. Avoid late night food, animal food, coffee etc Learn to turn body into alkaline. Deep breathing in itself helps the body to turn alkaline. No diet is universal and eternal, therefore individual attention will be needed in treatment. Eat early and sleep early, pref before 11 pm (give 3 hrs gap). Timing of going to sleep is as important as number of hours of sleep.


People transform with experience than just knowledge, hence they need a rigour in the reformation process with guidance and individual attention.


Excess fat means pressure on receptors in cell against insulin. Fat is a complex topic. Weight and girth can be misleading. Fat inside muscle is more problem than fat under skin. For example, Diabetes is low in sumo wrestlers as their fat is under skin than inside muscles. 3 places of fat, under skin, inside muscles, inside liver and pancreas. Last one is most dangerous.


More fat in liver = more glucose in blood = more insulin = more fat in liver; this is a vicious circle. MRI can show the amount of fat in liver. Liver sonogram too can help to detect this fat.


He then mentions the concept of “thin fat Indian” with examples of thin people with diabetes standing in the session to prove the point. Research finds that low birth weight folks tend to have more diabetes due to smaller pancreas.


So, he emphasizes on reducing excess weight due to fat. Record 80 kg loss achieved in his programs.


He then explains the case of stuck up blood which too is key for reversal. Walking helps limbs in blood circulation.  Veins typically bring back only 90 percent blood, blood  tends ot get  stuck in some places, turning  to acid.


Chair Soorya namaskar helps to to reduce stuck up blood. Demo focusing on only one side of the body helped participants to experience better circulation at one side, crying for doing the same excersise for the other side of the body.  He then quotes to check the “Iceman” (Wim Hof method) on google which gives further tips of stretching exercise.


He also warns the phenomena of one becoming complacent like a frog in gradually increased heat in water. Apparently, if a frog is kept in water and If that water is heated gradually, the frog misses to sense the heat increase and eventually dies charred. But, if you throw the frog directly into hot water, it jumps out and saves itself.


He then warns one on doing too much at a time, explaining why some rigorous gym exercises can eventually fail in reforming.


He then highlights that stress too needs to be managed better through meditation, energy, positivism


He then explains how the course is organized for reform. First step is to make body alkaline in 2 to 3 months. Next is to eliminate excess fat focusing for  3 to 6 months along with step 1;  Third step is to circulate blood first which is 2 to 3 months with step 1;  Fourth step is to  build muscles which is 6 months after step3. Finally, find your unique ways to manage stress which is  6 months after step 3; The entire course takes 1 year to transform health towards FFD.


Additional tips: 1. Start with stunning nutrient green smoothie in the morning 2. Structure your lunch and dinner: 25 percent each, salad, cooked veg, daal, grain 3. Do chair Soorya namaskar, start with 1, go up to 24, spread over the day: 4. do stair climbing & nitric oxide dump as anti gravity exercise: 45 minutes after dinner, breakfast, lunch, for 5 to 10 min, 5. “I can I will” meditation - an attitude adjustment to reduce stress. Refer you tube video for more info on these tips.


Ragi can be more glycemic than rice. Morning coffee + ragi mudde and curd in the morning can be a silent killer.


1 year holistic transformation program includes  the FFD design, personalized guidance, group therapy, diet, exercise etc. It costs approx.  Rs. 39.5k for whole year, 1.5k discount with code shown in the session. Entire program is online. Out of 30 k annual program graduates, 13k became free from diabetes, rest reduced.


Then there were Q&A. For type 1 diabetes, the pancreas needs to function at least 40 percent for the course to benefit, c peptide test reveals this number.


Then I had some one on one interaction with folks doing the annual course. Apparently one needs to go through complete set of tests four times through the course, each test cycle costs approx. Rs. 3,600 each. These tests for initial benchmarks and recording the actual progress. The online videos provided can be viewed at one’s convenience. There will be regular interaction with the staff as there are 200 staff engaged in delivering this course worldwide.


Additional information ref:


1. Main website


2. Dr. Tripathi resume on LinkedIn

3. Freedom From Diabetes YouTube channel

4. Freedom from Diabetes Facebook page

5. Glucose Tolerance Test


6. Revealed the Secret of Diabetes Reversal by Dr. Pramod Tripathi


7. 7 Stages of Diabetes Reversal by Dr Pramod Tripathi

8. 30 Days Diabetes Challenge with Dr Pramod Tripathi

9. Diabetes Management by Dr Pramod Tripathi - Youtube LIVE Session

10. World's Best Warm up by Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Freedom from Diabetes

11. 5 Best Pranayam for Diabetics Management by Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Freedom from Diabetes


13. How to Activate 5 Koshas of your body | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series| Power Practice 2

14. Dr. Pramod and Dr. Malhar share secrets behind the science of weight loss

15. Learn Step by Step Surya Namaskar with Dr. Pramod Tripathi

16. Learned Optimism and Mental Health - By Dr Pramod Tripathi

17. Yoga for PCOD & ED | Dr Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series | Power Practice

18. The Earth Element : Grounding and Root Vegetables

19. Pancreas ke liye Yoga | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series | Power Practice 6

20. How to Live with Diabetes - Dr. Neil Barnard & Dr. Pramod Tripathi | FFD

21. Make your Liver Healthy | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series | Power Practice 8

22. Easy Yoga steps for Lower Back Pain | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series | Power Practice 4

23. Freedom From Diabetes By Pramod Tripathi | FFD Diabetes Diet Plan

24. Day 18 | LIVE Question & Answer Session by Dr. Pramod | 21 Days Diabetes Challenge

25. Is there any hope of reversal for Type 1 Diabetics?

26. Meditation Session



29. How to get Freedom From Diabetes | BSR's The ThinkRich Show | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | CoachBSR


30. 14 Anti-Diabetic Vegetables.

31. Dr Pramod Tripathi founder of Freedom from Diabetes sharing insights on usage of Nuts in Reversal.



33. Yoga for Anxiety & Worry | Dr. Pramod Tripathi | Wow Wed Series | Power Prac

34. A talk by Dr Pramod Tripathi on heart diseases in diabetes

35. …..and many more out there!





Dr. Thripathi definitely is not a quack / fraud as suspected by some which actually challenged me to attend this session. I do confirm that he is a man with a mission with lot of passion and commitment which has helped him to build a credible business model helping millions. I am actually more keen to understand further as to how people like him get triggered like this to become a man with mission.


In my  personal case, I do know, that it is the lack of discipline and commitment to the process is the reason I still carry on with the diabetes. Like a person who is addicted to smoking struggles to reverse it, one needs help and it needs to start from self to tap others into it.  I have used this opportunity to increase my attention to the reversal process. Let me see how this journey unfolds ahead.


I still need to go through the free online material referred above, towards implementing key steps in my daily routine. When I feel, I have arrived at the minimum discipline level needed to follow the regime recommended, only then I will consider joining this online course or any other alternative out there.  


In the mean time, as I believe in pluralism, I will also explore alternate proposals out there, and compare notes across. Will share with further notes like this if I fumble on worthy ones further.


Bottom line, investing myself in this agenda, I will benefit in multiple folds and hopefully many other get helped, starting from reading this blog.


Keen attention to any challenge out there, personl or otherwise, can actually lead to self transformation in multiple dimensions.




Nataraja Upadhya

Aug 22, 2022