Saturday, November 30, 2024

Special Mutual Fund Report - Equity Long Term Performance Top 50 & Bottom 50 Report as on Nov 29, 2024



1. Since equities are on rebound after significant correction, it is time to invest into mutual funds as post correction investments tend to return more. The weekly top 50 report deals with performance leaders within 1 year timelines. Since Value research presents mutual funds data as short term and long term returns, where it means long term as timeline above 3 years, and the timelines associated are 3Y, 5Y, 10Y, 15Y and 20Y.  There are very handful funds for 15Y and 20Y as the mutual fund industry was just taking off by then.

2. Those who want to go for fresh mutual funds investments could consider long term return performance along with the short term returns shared as weekly Top 50 MF analysis recently, dated Nov 29, 2024.

3. Theoretically it is possible to combine both the short term return and long term return into one excel file and present, which is lot of work for me, and have not done so. My personal investment style is not to worry beyond 1 year performance, as I tend to sell the underperformers within one year timeline, as I am new to the mutual funds investments and have limited resources to invest, and I attempt best possible returns by riding on top performers. So, this entire report is bit academic to me personally. In a year, I would churn out at least 30% of my investments for being underperforming for the last three months or so. The ones I hold will remain held as long as they do not fall into the underperforming trap for the last three months.

4.  Looking at the long term performance summary above, one can align with two types of benchmarks.

4.1. Average equity fund performance:

Short term: per the recent weekly top 50 MF report:
      1W return : 2.20%
      1M return : 0.52%
      3M return : -2.83%
      6M return :  10.17%
     12M return :  30.22% 

Long term: per this report:
     3 Yr return : 18.19%
     5 Yr return : 20.97%
    10 Yr return : 14.34%
    15 Yr return : 11.64%
    20 Yr return : 15.35%

So, one should anticipate at least 20% annual return from the mutual fund portfolio, especially when being advised. Else, the associated advisor may deserve being replaced by a better one.

4.2. Top 50 equity fund performance:

Short term: per the recent weekly top 50 MF report:
      1W return : 5.51%
      1M return : 6.84%
      3M return : 5.11%
      6M return :  25.26%
     12M return :  50.48% 

Long term: per this report:
     3 Yr return : 31.03%
     5 Yr return : 32.02%
    10 Yr return : 19.02%
    15 Yr return : NA
    20 Yr return : NA

So, it is my openion that by riding on short term top 50 performers, one can enhance their annual return from mutual funds by 50% when compared to the overall average performance of all equity funds, hence these weekly and special reports. One needs to stay active, dynamic and shifting funds from underperforming ones to the emerging performers with consistent performance record short term.

Six months back, the Indian mutual fund market average annual return itself was 40%, which now may be considered around 30%  (take average of 3M, 6M and 1Yr returns recently) given short term corrections. Given the underperformance of the mutual funds in the last three months, one may need to be happy to hit 20% annual return this year when the financial year ends by March 2025.

5. I am asked quite often as to a silver bullet solution, which ensures the best returns for the one to invest and forget for the next 10 years. This long term performance report is quite convincing that such silver bullet solutions are not there and should not be attempted. This is because the equity market is quite dynamic and changes its favor for particular type of funds weekly, monthly, quarterly, six monthly, annually and beyond.

6. Long Term Equity Top 50 Reports:

Please note the coloring scheme here. The funds which are having not a single below average return across all the timelines are marked green, the funds missing above average return for just one timeline are marked as amber.

6.1. 3 Yr Top 50:

 6.2. 5 Yr Top 50:

6.3. 10 Yr. Top 50

7. 15Yr and 20 Yr Performance Summary:

Since there are not too many funds with 15 Yr and 20Yr return data, no need for top 50 and bottom 50 analysis. Incidently, the performance rankings across 15 Yr and 20 Yr are aligned, so one report given below is enough.

8. Long Term Bottom 50 reports

Key lesson: These bottom 50 lists reconfirm that one should not simply assume that good days will return for the underperforming funds, as these are the underperforming funds over longer term, those holding them since long term are unfortunate.

Coloring scheme: Here the funds with below average returns on all timelines are marked with darkest red, middle red if one timeline has above average return while the rest are below average and light red if two timelines have above average while the rest is below average. 15Yr and 20 Yr performance columns are ignored for the color scheme assignment.

8.1. 3 Yr. return bottom 50:

8.2. 5 Yr return bottom 50:

8.3. 10 Yr return bottom 50: 

9. Whether it is a weekly Top 50 MF report or special MF report, these are availble in the blog indicated below. Blogs are also rendered as videos (on Youtube and Instagram) for those not prefering to read.

Blog: NatsFunCorner! on Blogger

Other relevant Social Network Platform links:

Whatsapp Group: This whatsapp group is a peer group, people active in investment and trading (including day trading) are here, exchanging their insight and views. Please note that there is no room for promotional participation here.




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- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.

Top 50 Mutual Funds Analysis for the week ending on Nov 29, 2024



1. The equity mutual funds, on average recovered further, so much so to become positive for the last one month. They remain negative in three months return.

2. The weekly Top 50 weekly return, monthly Top 50 monthly return and the annual Top 50 annual return improved over the last week.

3. Top 50 Equity Funds 

The funds with above average return in the list for all the timelines from 1W thru 1Y are marked green. They are marked amber for just missing one timeline, and for this amber rule both 1W and 1M together are considered as one timeline, meaning if anyone is above average, both are considered above average.

3.1. Weekly Top 50:

Defence funds are on the take off since this week.

3.2. Monthly Top 50:

3.3. Annual Top 50:

4. Bottom 50 Equity funds:

Weekly and monhly bottom 50 funds are used to recognize potential bearish reversal. This is done by identifying below average weekly and monthly returns and above average annual returns. Funds with above average annual return and with both weekly and monthly return below average are marked in darker red, while any one of the weekly and monthly return is below average, marked with light red.

Annual bottom 50 funds list is used to recognize potential bullish reversal. Any fund with above average return for both the week and the month in the list is marked as grey indicating potential bullish reversal.

4.1. Weekly Bottom 50:

While equity funds are recovering, auto funds are looking further bearish. So are the value funds, though intensity is lesser.

4.2. Monthly Bottom 50:

4.3. Annual Bottom 50:

Though some banking funds are still stuck in the bottom of the Annual bottom 50, they are showing bullish reversal signs.

5. Hybrid Funds.

5.1. Hybrid Funds Summary

Due to equity recovery, hybrid funds too recovered and became positive for the month. The three months return for the hybrid top 50 is worse than the last week because many aggressive funds returned to the top 50 list, having poor three months return.

5.2. Hybrid Monthly Top 50:

One can notice that the Hybrid Monthly Top 50 is now filled with many aggressive and balanced advantage funds.

5. Debt Funds 

5.1. Debt Funds Summary:

Overall, debt funds returns too improved.

5.2. Debt Monthly Top 50:

There is a churn out in monthly debt top 50 list. Some of the longer term debt funds gave better returns.

6. Commodity Funds

6.1. Commodity Funds Summary:


Commodity funds further corrected thru the week.

6.2. Commodity Monthly Top 50:

7. Whether it is a weekly Top 50 MF report or special MF report, these are availble in the blog indicated below. Blogs are also rendered as videos (on Youtube and Instagram) for those not prefering to read.

Blog: NatsFunCorner! on Blogger

Other relevant Social Network Platform links:

Whatsapp Group: This whatsapp group is a peer group, people active in investment and trading (including day trading) are here, exchanging their insight and views. Please note that there is no room for promotional participation here.




Twitter (X):

LinkedIn: https:


- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Top 50 Mutual Funds analysis for the week ending Nov 22, 2024



1. Equity Funds

1.1. Equity Funds Summary:
1.1.1. Equity funds on average recovered thru this week, though their average return for the month and 3 months remain negative.
1.1.2. The weekly Top 50 had better positive weekly return and the Monthly Top 50 also had better positive monthly return. But the Annual Top 50 annual return shrunk a bit to 49.39, how is this possible when we had a positive weekly return on these annual Top 50. It is possible because this is rolling return, compared to last week average, we left 57th week data and grabbed this week data, so the 57th week data had a better return than this week data for the annual return impact.

2. Equity Top 50:

The Top 50 lists will have certain funds marked as green and amber. The one in the green are those with above average return within the list for all timelines from 1W thru 1M. The amber ones are similar except they miss the above average return for only one timeline, and between the weekly and monthly return, if any one is above average, then both are considered above average for the amber rule. 

2.1. Equity Weekly Top 50:
2.2. Monthly Top 50:

2.3. Annual Top 50

3. Equity Bottom 50:

Both the weekly and monthly bottom 50 lists are leveraged to identify potential bearish reversal indications of the funds. This is done by marking above average annual return in bold and below average returns for the week and month. The funds with both weekly and monthy below average, but annual above average are marked in darker red, while the funds with only one of the weekly and monthly below averages but with above average annual return are marked in light red.

3.1. Weekly Bottom 50:
3.2. Monthly Bottom 50:
3.3. Annual Equity Bottom 50:

Annual equity bottom 50 list is leveraged to look for bullish reversal of funds.  Such funds are marked in grey, for having above average returns for both the week and the month.

4. Hybrid Funds:

4.1. Hybrid Funds Summary:

Equity revival helped hybrid funds average to be positive for the week, but the monthly and 3 month average are still negative.

4.2. Hybrid Funds Monthly Top 50:

With equity revival, there is a churn out in the Monthly Top 50, and therefore this week we are not finding any hybrid fund in green, but many aggressive type ones have come back to amber.

5. Debt Funds.

5.1. Debt Funds Summary: Nothing noteworthy to mention

5.2. Debt Funds Monthly Top 50
6. Commodity Funds

6.1. Commodity Funds Summary:

Commodity funds had a very good weekly recovery, thanks to the escalation in the Ukraine war. The monthly return remains negative though.

6.2. Commodity Monthly Top 50:

With weekly return revival, there is prominence as to the overall return leadership, with so many commodity funds back to green status.

7. Whether it is a weekly Top 50 MF report or special MF report, these are availble in the blog indicated below. Blogs are also rendered as videos (on Youtube and Instagram) for those not prefering to read.

Blog: NatsFunCorner! on Blogger

Other relevant Social Network Platform links:

Whatsapp Group: This whatsapp group is a peer group, people active in investment and trading (including day trading) are here, exchanging their insight and views. Please note that there is no room for promotional participation here.




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- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Special MF Report: Detailed Returns Analysis of Equity funds by Sub Type as on Nov 15, 2024



1. Since the Indian equities have been correcting for a while now, the equity mutual funds too have corrected significantly. This special report distinguishes the returns variations by sub type within equity funds.

2. The top left portion of the table above gives the average equity fund returns across all equity funds for different timelines from 1W thru 1Y which is used as a bench mark to compare the returns of individual sub types across each timeline.

3. The left bottom portion lists the 20 sub types and their average returns for all the timelines. The returns if above the benchmark return, then it is marked in green, else red.

4. There are only two sub types which have shown above the average returns in all timelines, and they are Technology and Pharma funds. The third one, International has shown above average return from 1W thru 3M, hence can be considered short term for further investments once the negative returns are gone. Fair to say, that these three fund types are more favored short term till the trend changes.

5. Please note that the returns in green can be negative return as the benchmark returns too are negative for 1W thru 3M.

6. The sub types are listed as per their overall return rankings. Overall return rankings are computed by assigning individual ranking for each return by timeline, and then average ranking is computed across the five timelines. The sub-types are sorted per the best to worst overall rankings.

7. The current overall ranking is compared with that from the previous report, which was as on Oct 11, 2024. 

The following ranking changes since the last report can be observed:

7.1. Significant ranking improvements: Improvement by more than 5 rankings:

   - Technology funds

    - International funds

    - ESG funds

    - Flexi Cap funds

    - Banking  funds

7.2. Reasonable ranking improvements: Improvement by within 5 rankings:

    - ELSS funds

    - Dividend funds

    - Large Cap funds

7.3. No ranking improvement or degradation:

    - Multi Cap funds

7.4. Reasonable ranking degradation: Degradation by upto 5 rankings

    - Pharma funds

    - Large & Mid Cap funds

    - MNC funds

    - PSU funds

    - Energy funds

7.5. Significanr ranking degradation: Degradation by more than 5 rankings

    - Small cap funds

    - Mid cap funds

    - Consumptio funds

    - Infrastructure funds

    - Thematic General funds

8. Detailed returns analysis by fund sub type

8.1. Each fund sub type is listed with funds in descending order of monthly return. Only the top 50 funds are shown if the funds in a sub type are more than 50.

8.2. The funds are marked in green or amber as follows:

    - Funds with above average return in all timelines within the list are marked in green. Please note that the funds in green too can have negative returns in certain timelines as the average return in that timeline itself is negative.

    - Funds with above average retuen in all timelines within the list except for one timeline are marked in amber. For the amber rule, if anyone across 1W and 1M return is above average, then both are considered as above average. If both the 1W and 1M return are below average, they together are counted as one timeline.

    - Funds with no return infor beyond 1 month can not be green, but can be amber.

8.3. The detailed returns by sub-type by their overall ranking:

8.3.1. Technology Funds

8.3.2. Pharma Funds

8.3.3. International Funds

8.3.4. Multi Cap Funds

8.3.5. ESG Funds

8.3.6. Flexi Cap Funds

8.3.7. Value Oriented Funds

8.3.8. Large & Mid Cap Funds

8.3.9. ELSS Funds

8.3.10. Small Cap Funds

8.3.11. Mid Cap Funds

8.3.12. Banking Funds

8.3.13. Dividend Yield Funds

8.3.14. Consumption Funds

8.3.15. Large Cap Funds

8.3.16. Infrastructure Funds

8.3.17. Thematic General Funds

8.3.18. MNC Funds

8.3.19. PSU Funds

8.3.20. Energy Funds

9. Whether it is a weekly Top 50 MF report or special MF report, these are availble in the blog indicated below. Blogs are also rendered as videos (on Youtube and Instagram) for those not prefering to read.

Blog: NatsFunCorner! on Blogger

Other relevant Social Network Platform links:

Whatsapp Group: This whatsapp group is a peer group, people active in investment and trading (including day trading) are here, exchanging their insight and views. Please note that there is no room for promotional participation here.




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- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.