Friday, May 24, 2024

Top 50 Mutual Funds Analysis for the week ending May 24, 2024



1. All fund types had a bullish week. 

2. Looking at the all fund types Top 50 based on 1M return, certain commodity funds too made to the list in addition to the equity funds. Commodity funds went through correction in the second half of the week, and the outlook of commodities as of now is neutral.

3. Based on the above average return across all timelines from 1M thru 1Y, the investment worthy funds are marked green. One commodity fund is marked in amber, as it can not be considered investment worthy at par with equity funds.

4. Looking at the Top50 funds based on 1Y return, the CPSE still maintains leadership, and has hit 120.77% annual return.

5. Investment worthy funds are marked in green based on above average returns in all timelines from 1M through 1Y.

6. Looking at the bottom 50 based on 1M return, one can make note of some thematic funds underperforming in addition to hybrid, debt and commodity fund types.

7. Looking at the bottom 50 based on 1Y return, one can make note of some thematic funds underperforming in addition to hybrid, debt and commodity fund types.

8. Looking at the Top 50 equity funds based on 1M return, funds that are investment worthy, for having above average returns in all timelines from 1M thru 1Y are marked in green.

9. Looking at the Top 50 equity MF based on 1Y return, it is very impressive that the annual return of top 50 has now gone up to an impressive 83.23%  Investment worthy funds for having above average returns from all timelines from 1M thru 1Y are marked in green.

10. Looking at the top 50 hybrid funds based on 1M return, investment worthy funds having above average return in all timelines from 1M thru 1Y are marked in green.

11. Looking at the Top 50 hybrid funds based on 1Y return, the investment worthy funds having above average returns in all timelines 1M thru 1Y are marked in green.

12. Looking at the Top 50 commodity funds based on 1M return, the investment worthy funds having above average returns in all timelines 1M thru 1Y are marked in green

12. Looking at the Top 50 commodity funds based on 1Y return, the investment worthy funds having above average returns in all timelines 1M thru 1Y are marked in green

13. Top 50 Debt fund details will not be included till they become investment worthy for falling interest rates. 

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