Saturday, July 13, 2024

Monthly Top 50 Mutual Funds Analysis for the week ending with July 12, 2024



1. All types of mutual funds had a positive week and month on average. But the returns were bit subdued compared to the previous week.

2. Among the equity funds, the Monthly Top 50 were more aggressive than the Annual Top 50, which means there is a constant churn out as to the performance leaders when compared to the past.

3. Looking at the equity funds monthly Top 50, only one fund made it to the investment grade (shown in green) for having above average return in all timelines from 1M thru 1Y. Even there, the annual return has faded from 147+ to 132+, which means the fund had an impressive return 53 weeks back, hence it may start fading a bit on a large base of historic return.

4. The monthly Top 50 equity funds are filled with many IT ETF funds, in spite of nice monthly return, they still are underpeforming for the timelines beyond. So, one needs to be cautious as to whether they will remain profitable by waiting for them to have above average returns in 3M timeline too, which may take another two months to confirm that.

5. Looking at the equity Monthly bottom 50, the monthly returns below the average of bottom 50 are marked in Bold, and the funds with such returns but having above average annual returns are marked in red. What this means is that these past performers are slowing down significantly. You may watch these funds for another three weeks or so, and confirm whether the downtrend remains, then it is an option to churn them out to protect the historic profits. Such funds marked are Real Estate and Auto ETF funds.

6. Looking at the Annual Top 50 funds, the funds marked in green are the ones having above average returns for the timelines 1M thru 1Y.

7. Looking at the Annual Bottom 50 equity funds, the funds marked in bold are the ones having above average monthly returns within the bottom 50. These are likely the recovery candidates ahead, one needs to watch them for another three weeks or so to reconfirm the trend reversal for better. One can only say that the worst is over for these, and not necessarily these are investment bets.

8. Looking at the hybrid monthly Top 50, the investment worthy ones are marked in green for having above average returns in timelines 1M thru 1Y.

9. Looking at the Hybrid Annual Top 50, the investment worthy ones are marked in green for having above average returns from 1M thru 1Y timelines.

10. Looking at the Commodities funds, investment worthy ones are marked in green for having above average returns from 1M thru 1Y.


- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.

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