Saturday, October 12, 2024

Special Mutual Funds Report - Detailed Equity Funds Returns Analysis by Sub-Type as on Oct 11, 2024



1. Welcome to the detailed returns analysis of equity mutual funds by sub-type. Last time, this report was done as on Sept 13, 2024 and this report is as on Oct 11, 2024. 

2. The equity funds returns average by sub-type are ranked for each timeline above. The overall ranking is also given and the list is sorted by decreasing order of overall rank. Finally, the current overall ranking is compared with last time ranking, and finally the differential is given either as a ranking improvement or loss. Negative value is the ranking loss, and value of zero means no change in ranking.

3. The top 5 and bottom 5 rankings are as follows this time:

3.1. Top 5 ranking sub types

    Rank 1: Pharma

    Rank 2: Mid Cap

    Rank 3: Small Cap

    Rank 4: Multi Cap

    Rank 5: Large & Mid Cap

3.2. Bottom 5 ranking sub types:

    Rank 20: Banking

    Rank 19: Large Cap

    Rank 18: Value Oriented

    Rank 17: PSU

    Rank 16: Energy

3.3. Do not get disheartened by lower ranking sub types. You may find exceptional performers among them too, especially in those with many funds as the standard deviation of performance can be high in such sub-types. Case in point is the Large Cap funds, though ranked 19th, you will find some handfuls worthy of new investments. 

4. The following ranking changes since the last report can be noticed:

4.1. Ranking improvement by more than 5 ranks this time: 

    - International type - ranking improvement by 9

4.2. Ranking improvement by 1-5:

    - Thematic General: Ranking improvement by 4

    - MNC and Energy: Ranking improvement by 3

    - Mid Cap, Large & Mid Cap, Infrastructure: Ranking improvement by 2

    - Pharma, Multi Cap, ELSS: Ranking improvement by 1

4.3. No change in overall ranking this time:

    - Small Cap, Dividend Yield, PSU

4.4. Ranking loss by 1 to 5 ranks:

    - Technology: Ranking loss by 2

    - Flexi Cap, ESG, Large Cap: Ranking loss by 4

    - Value Oriented, Banking: Ranking loss by 5

    - Consumption: Ranking loss by 6

5. Color coding of returns in the detailed list by sub type:

    - Funds with above average returns within the list (if there are more than 50 funds in a subtype, only top 50 are considered by monthly return, and the averages within this top 50 are considered) in all timelines from 1W thru 1Y are marked as green.

    - Funds with above average returns within the list in all timelines from 1W thru 1Y, except for one timeline are marked as amber. For marking as amber, the best of the weekly and monthly return are considered, meaning if any one of the weekly or monthly return is above average, then it sufficed that both timelines are considered as above average. This concetion is given to average out the deviation within the two short terms.

- If the returns data are available only up to 1 month, then the fund can not be marked as green, but can be marked as amber for the returns above average.

- Unlike the weekly top 50 analysis, here the color coding does not meet indication as a preferred investment choice, just the stand out for superior consistent performance within the list.

6. Detailed list of funds by sub type in the descending order of monthly return: 

6.1.  The fund sub types are listed below by descending order of overall performance ranking.

6.2. Detailed top ranked funds are listed below for all the twenty sub types:

6.2.1 Pharma  

6.2.2. Mid Cap
6.2.3. Small Cap
6.2.4 Multi Cap
6.2.5. Large & Mid Cap
6.2.6. Thematic - General
6.2.7. Consumption
6.2.8. Technology
6.2.9. Infrastructure
6.2.10. ELSS
6.2.11. International
6.2.12. Flexi Cap
6.2.13. ESG
6.2.14. Dividend Yield
6.2.15. MNC
6.2.16. Energy
6.2.17. PSU
6.2.18.Value Oriented
6.2.19. Large Cap
6.2.20. Banking

7. Whether it is a weekly Top 50 MF report or special MF report, these are availble in the blog indicated below. Blogs are also rendered as videos (on Youtube and Instagram) for those not prefering to read.

Blog: NatsFunCorner! on Blogger

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- This is not a solicitation for mutual fund investment nor an advice. It is only an insight to help investment decisions based on the free MF performance data downloaded from Value Research. Investment decisions are only yours to make.

- Mutual fund investments are subjected to market risk. Read the propsectus of a mutual fund for all the risk information associated prior to investment.

- The author can not be responsible for the ommissions or errors in the data from Value Research or the data processing errors if any by the author.

- All your investment decisions need to be based on your decision finally, with no blame to anyone else later.

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