Wednesday, October 18, 2017

My consumer experience with the great Indian Retail revolution – Report as on Oct 2017

My consumer experience with the great Indian Retail revolution – Report as on Oct 2017

The retail industry has matured in India over the last ten years, the latest boost came from the e-payment enablers through the mobile phone.

This observation is constrained to my experiences as an average middle class consumer looking for quality, value and fun of shopping.

My shopping is distributed over the following avenues:
1.       MORE store
2.       Big Bazaar
3.       The Metro store
4.       The local buy and save shops on my street
5.       The cart based hawkers
6.       The marketing push to door to door
7.       The e-commerce sites

I have stopped shopping in Reliance outlets as I never sensed the customer stickiness from any angle.  I do not shop at Tata’s Star Bazar or any other super market stores as they are not near by.

I find the MORE store among the ones in the list above as the most crisp from the experience of shopping and the shop appearance. The store keeps you at ease, makes it distinct as to the offers available, and is quite predictable as the discounts it regularly offers. The offers this store makes are more genuine in nature and really offer value.

Big Bazaar used to be the darling for value, but was quite untidy before. That has changed now. The store has become crisp since last one year. They have created more space to move around and are striving to move up the standard. However, their own native brand for processed food and beverages is below par and pulls them down on customer confidence. This is not so with their pulses brand Golden Harvest, since they have huge investments in offsite agri-product processing, their packed pulses are of quality and still offer reasonable value. But, the days of great offers gone, we do not see much of the vendor’s marketing offers on new launches anymore.  Most of the food products are sold close to MRP. There is remarkable improvement in the quality of clothing and households though not much value to the buyer.  So, Big Bazaar is no more a darling to a casual consumer who visits randomly.

But, this does not mean that Big Bazaar is no more attractive. It has shifted its focus on paying back customers on loyalty. It has numerous loyalty programs like payback card, profit club card, T24 mobile recharge and the latest 10% discount offer card upon Rs. 1000 payment.  When we use these loyalty programs effectively, the Big Bazaar remains to be a great value provider. For example, the profit club card takes Rs. 10,000 from you up front and allows you to shop for Rs. 1000 over 12 months. If you miss a month, the balance accrues for the next month which is nice. This offer is like 20% annual discount on cash value, but since one shops every month, the return needs to be averaged to half the period, which then is 40% return on investment to the consumer, leaving lot of room for harvesting value.  Similarly, for the discount card, one pays Rs. 1000, but one gets 10% discount on most of the merchandise, effectively, let us say the customer shops for Rs. 2,000 per month, he is likely to get a return of Rs. 2,000 minimum on Rs. 1,000 investment over an year. Once in a year, they have simply added Rs. 500 cash to the profit club card promoting the loyalty. On average, let us say, a consumer like me shops there for Rs. 24,000 per annum, the savings is close to a minimum of Rs. 4,000, 20% on average, this is excluding the other product specific offers. So, loyalty pays at Big Bazaar, if you have the patience to buy only what is reasonably priced there.

The attraction of the Metro store for me is the availability of specific items at reasonable discounts which otherwise is quite expensive elsewhere or I need to run helter-skelter, combined with their ability to announce specific vendor/product based discounts making your visit to the store worthwhile.   Just an example, the fish snacks for our cats cost Rs. 30 a pouch, I get to pick up a month’s supply for Rs. 25 each, a Rs. 150 saving on one item. Like this, each store visit gives a saving of Rs. 300-500 over Rs. 5000 bill, if one limits the buying to only to the items with offers and discounts.

The local Buy and Save shops do offer discount of Rs. 1 through 5 on packaged goods, but they are more suitable for emergency buys and for smaller volumes. Therefore, they are more of convenience purchase in between the visits to the super markets.  Of course, the local street vegetable vendors are one of the best bets for fresh vegetables, compared to super markets. The super market stocks have only 20-30% types of items as fresh, and therefore no point counting on them for fresh vegetables and fruits.

The cart based hawkers are the direct connection between the price change in the wholesale market where they pick up the perishables and your door step. They offer great discounted price, the item is very fresh. Once a while, if they are in hurry to go home, they tend to sell the stuff at half the price given they made the target profit for the day. That is the time, I do shout from the window, make them stop, help them and myself buying double the amount than I need and then wonder what to do with excess inventory. I do not waste the excess though, it unleashes cooking creativity, I might hear murmurs on my cooking volume though!

The door to door sales and marketing is quite common in our residential area, as the residents are more friendly to such people, responding to their request to entertain them.  One type of merchandise is the marketing and sales diploma students having to meet targets for graduation. They sell average quality items, like a full shirt for Rs. 350 or socks or something else. Also, there are vendors of household items, clothing, bed spreads, carpets etc.  I tend to buy full shirts, as my hands are too short to my size, none of the branded stores cater to me, but these vendors tend to have off-standard products, and one of them are the shirts with short sleeves (unintended), that works fine for me. Also, these students from rural areas having to meet the target are helped in the process. I find the girls more aggressive than boys on pushing the products, I do converse them while buying and get the charge of their flare for success in the process, a humble reminder to stay hungry and stupid in life ahead.

The e-commerce sites have become the darlings for electronics, mobiles, accessories and any products that are not heavy to transport. So, this channel has monopolized the sales for such items. One needs to eye for offers before buying big ticket items, which then could easily ensure additional 20% savings on the budget.

The latest trend is the e-payment and credit/debit  cards. Every e-payment player, whether pure play one or the retailer attempting to expand to this zone is throwing offers which ensure 5-10% cash back which is quite attractive. This route is quite suited for big ticket items. Now a days, I catch myself loading the e-payment wallet in the store using the debit card at the counter for the circus of additional 5-10% discount which is in the range of Rs. 50-100-200-300 and even Rs. 500 too per shopping visit. Such discounts sound like golden age of e-payment for the consumers. (I am yet to confirm whether credit card recharge will be treated as a purchase with no charge or as a cash withdrawal asking for too much fees, hence avoiding credit cards for now. If you have clarity on this, pls. let me know)

There is one caution in retail shopping, which is the billing error. I pride myself, as a South Indian consumer, meticulously check the bill just before the security check, and typically save myself around Rs. 3,000 to 5,000 per annum in getting the billing errors fixed. Most of these errors tend to be not reflecting the offers as announced, having bought too many items due to offer, one tends to lose a lot by ignoring billing errors.  All super markets regularly make the billing errors due to lack of effective co-ordination between MIS and the offers managed by sections. The worst one to make more errors is the MORE store, and they are also less effective (but better than than the Metro store) in dealing with these errors. For example, today I caught them on Rs. 900 over-charge, which was not reflecting buy one get one free offer on pants. Only recourse on such an error was to leave the merchandise behind, as they cannot fix it through customer service immediately. Big Bazaar too makes mistakes, but they are friendly in providing the related customer service, if not efficient. They have the flexibility to adjust the bill and offer cash difference at their customer service counter, which is great.  The worst service on billing error comes from the Metro store, there is no flexibility to deal with it at the customer service, things need to wait for the section associated, the person will walk up and down two-three times before the customer service section can decide to act, taking a minimum of half an hour in the process. Every time, they push me to shout, hoping that they will understand their lack of customer service folly this way. Their customer service is a shame on their German ownership. (Still I have to shop, with some grumpiness that suits my current age, for the value they still offer!)

When it comes to customer service, I trust the Big Bazaar most, as they never take you for a ride, and are trained to treat customer with a level of friendship. Only once, I came across an incident that shook this faith, when I produced the parking ticket for validation post bill, the counter could not validate it, the customer service manager said I was too late and can't help. I did bring to his notice as to nowhere in the store that it was written that one has to produce the parking ticket before billing, he dint budge, I asked for the escalation, instead of escalating to store manager, he pointed to 1-800 number, I followed up with both phone call and email, I got the right attention, the store manager called me to fix, he said I could collect the refund whenever I could return to the store, I said fine, I was not in hurry, but the ticket had to be kept open until I say it is closed, and I said I can't close it unless I am paid Rs. 20 back for the parking fees occurred, the store manager was smart enough to credit me Rs. 20 to my T-20 account enabling me to close the ticket immediately. So, my faith with Big-Bazaar on customer service was duly restored! Due to their affability and true friendly behavior, I tend to ignore their lack of professionalism or effectiveness at times. Over the years, some of them have become good friends too!

One needs to be bit careful in buying clothes through e-commerce. The cloth looks jazzy in the photo, but the discount tends to be associated with poor quality too. The bed sheet we bought for sub par Rs. 200 offer, survived only a few washes and was retired within three months for wear and tear.

It is obvious that one needs to check the prices across all e-commerce channels before making buying decision. This may take some time, but it is worth as one will get the pulse as to where to shop which item over time. Amazon and  FlipKart are the key rivals, the third player has fallen way behind and I have even forgotten the brand associated though I did shop quite regularly there before! Once a while I do buy from ebay as ebay offers protection against fraud.  I was defrauded once on memory cards, ebay simply refunded me the money not asking me to return the product. I felt great about their fulfillment of promise!

It also helps to proactively maintain a separate section of gifts at home, needed for birthdays, house warmings, marriages, anniversaries and door gifts to the visiting friends and relatives. These gifts need to match the occasion, and the relevance to the party. By proactively buying gifts and stocking them ahead of demand, but avoiding overstocking, one can save upto 50% when compared to impulsive or emergency gift buys. Also, one saves a lot of stress and running around at the last minute. We have become pretty good in this aspect now a days. We do have good stock of household items, sarees, kurtha materials,  kid’s play things etc. and replenish the stock upon great offers. Also,  I do not have any shame in mixing the customary gifts we receive which we have no value for, into this pile, for re-gifting given they are fresh and unopened and also are not linked to specific emotional value, rather given as a customary gift.

In conclusion, one can benefit immensely by the retail revolution in India by choosing the right channel for the right product, and shopping both for quality and value and not for just one of them. 

This requires one to have the pulse of all the channels and constantly look for offers and opportunities.  Also, one needs to have a reasonable inventory of customary gift items that suit different occasions, and replenish this inventory when the offers are galore.  One should always look for billing errors before leaving the store. One should always buy only on need and for both quality and value. One should avoid buying on impulses and as a retail therapy. One should track a level of wastage in the inventory of things bought and assess the efficiency and effectiveness of being a prudent and smart consumer. 

Always, when in doubt, whether to buy or not, err on not buying, as missed offer resurfaces sooner than one can imagine.  Rate self on maintaining just-in-time inventory.  Evaluate your spending pattern and life style against value, standard of living / income level and fulfillment gained over time.  Invest prudently on improving life style and standard of living on most effective (not cheap) investments, meaning to extend value, durability, quality over the spending caused.

Never go for retail therapy as an excuse, it is just being dumb and irresponsible. Do not trust the slogans at face value. Evaluate return on investment constantly, accounting for value, durability, quality, happiness/fulfillment achieved etc. 

Let the shopping experience become a step up in your transformation towards better life ahead!

Best Regards

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chronicles of a man’s stupidity as a housewife! – Episode 1 – The Foot Rug Episode

Chronicles of a man’s stupidity as a housewife! – Episode 1 – The Foot Rug Episode

Much before my wife went into a wheelchair, I had all the characteristics of becoming a housewife, so gladly embraced this destiny when I was required to do so. Little I knew was that there is a huge difference between a man and a woman when it comes to the expression of being a housewife. This chronicle will attempt to unveil the series of such differences, hope some will find some humor, some will find solace etc. etc.

The photo above is the foot rug I decommissioned from the front door much before its retirement age. I sent it to the garage which unfortunately needs a foot rug because it looks like a disaster zone as I have not included that region under my responsibility yet and there is no one else to fill that void.

The thought was to upgrade this foot rug with a new one, the new one I could find and feel as a better upgrade was a fusion one, fusion of coir on the top and rubber base. While the man in me liked it, the woman in me as a housewife suspected its credential. But, as it was a shopping chore, the man won, temporarily.

But this foot rug did not survive long. Don’t know whether it is the poor quality of the product or the excess anger in our domestic help persons who beat it to the outside wall of our home to get all the sands and dust out, or it is our battalion of cats who need it to sharpen their claws as a regular routine many times a day with this foot rug along with many other precious objects like cycle tire, sofa etc.  The man in me ignored the disfigurement, being an engineer the argument was that it is still functional, so leave it alone. My wife is/was a decent housewife, but she could not notice it much, as we need to keep this foot rug aside when we have to pass her wheelchair in and out, also her attention at that time would be the violent shake she needs to endure while we have to push the wheel chair up and down the infra unevenness at the main door.

There is an ongoing battle between the man the supreme and the evolving housewife, both  within me. The housewife started nagging that this is a disgrace, the first impression one gets as they enter our house is so poor, they anyway don’t need to search for imperfections in our house, they all dance around like an eternal dope party, but you don’t need to scare them by transforming this eternal party into a scary dance of Shiva Thandava.  The housewife in me eventually won, primarily through constant internal nagging. The man in me agreed that he will shop for a better one, when it is convenient. By definition, shopping when convenient means the concerted effort starts only after six months of cope up of inaction before having to shop.

So, the man who goes for shopping every week, started looking for replacements in the super markets he visited. All of them had fusion types which are proven to be disasters, lacking taste and quality in design, and are also bit expensive for their value. The housewife in me rejected all of them in no time. So, more than six months passed with a shopping impasse. The jittery in the housewife was growing in the mean time as the tear ups in the current foot rugs were spreading all over.

As my current hobbies are more of running multiple YouTube Channels (PaakaAashrama Recipes, Ashrama Gardens and  my own personal channel; Please note the housewife in me wants me to beg you to visit all these channels, subscribe all of them and watch all the videos already there and the ones coming in the future without fail! Please help!!), the man in me started locking up the housewife in a corner cupboard whenever she made noise, so that he can do more of this interesting work. The physical exercise came down to dangerous levels.  So, one day the housewife in me made a huge drama, she was unconsolable, she was constantly shouting at me with attempted tears and what not, she blamed me, “You don’t even spend time with your urban evergreen jungle above, it being a jungle is convenient to you to do any useful work there and get some excercize, you calling your jungle as almost ZBNF (zero budget natural farming) is ok with me as it allows us to save some money which we need to because you quit working much long before your retirement age (I retired at age of 45 to avoid 5 hours of driving in traffic, needing to work 18 hours a day, and dieing with a heart attack in the middle of bad traffic at an early age with the stress, lack of sleep, lack of daily rhythm and no fun at all and having to abandon the family with all the doom possible, relative poverty with all the time in my hand sounded much saner), but now you are also calling it as “zero effort” farming, your gardening friends out there may think that it is a smart thing (because they too are stupid like you), but I know that it is your sheer irresponsibility of having to do minimum work to maintain what you have grown”.

The man in me wanted to avoid all this drama, he could quickly recollect that it is all about the foot rug not being replaced. So, he decided to address the lack of exercise first. So, he decided to walk into the bank branch ATM which is one km away on the Katriguppe Main Road (usual routine is to go by car). One km up and down was indeed a good exercise, so this trip happened, the rain co-operated. The man was filling all sane and happy while returning. There was this Himachal Pradesh Handlooms based shop-hut right in front of the Big Bazaar, the elated man decided to attempt shopping for the foot rug there. They had a genuine coir foot rug, bit expensive (Rs. 275), but better value than the other stupid fusion ones.  The man enquired with the housewife, she simply said that shopping is man’s long pending duty, and she will leave him alone this time to do his part and she went into a convenient slumber.  The man left alone, got excited for being left alone, the excitement went up when he saw that the foot rug is quite thick. The man’s logic was quite simple that this thickness is a good deal and should help to last longer against the tortures of cats and domestic helps, he gladly bought it without much fight of negotiating the price (Remember the housewife in me was in a deep slumber, still the man was proud to bring the price down to Rs. 250).

So the man returns home very proud with the prize catch, the first thing he does is to retire the old foot rug by kicking it in the butt straight to the dustbin, and proudly installing the new one.

But there was a problem, the foot rug is too thick for the main door to open and close on top of it. The housewife woke up immediately and gave such a dirty look with all silence and contempt, the man shrunk further hoping that the foot rug too will go through same shrinkage sooner to become viable. So, this eternal hope of shrinkage brought the temporary peace in the man and woman in me. The man made a pact with all the members of the home that the foot rug will be kept aside the door than at the entrance right below the front door. Since all other members of the home are used to the man in me, they all agreed with artful ability of hiding their smile on yet another stupidity. The woman in me simply gave a look which conveyed that I am 1000 times stupid than actually I am. With that look, there was a closure on this episode for now.

In the mean time, if you visit our home (if you have stamina to do so), this is how we will welcome you. You need to take a right turn to meet the foot rug, then turn again to come in.

Post Script: Oct 19, 2017

Over the use through last one month or so, the rug height has shrunk now, and the door can open and close over it. The male in me has his smile back. Even stupidity has its hopes cut out!

Friday, July 14, 2017

WhatsApp Meditation - New type of meditation in social network space

Meditation is basically an act of keeping the mind still! There are different types of meditations out there. At least 150 plus meditations I recognized in the net, when I did a survey in the net seven years or more before, just for fun.

Out of my own experience out of social network, that too with WhatsApp, I have devised a new meditation that works for me, it is called "WhatsApp Meditation".

Basically WhatsApp experience is the anti-thesis of meditation, one would easily agree! How can it be used as a meditation then?

While playing with Tai Chi Qi Gong, I have enjoyed the inside out - outside in meditation which is basically being with self and surrounding with no baggage or overtone from the self. Breath in and out, no effort, no judgement, no stress, no thoughts, just observing inside and outside!

We can apply the same principle with the WhatsApp messages.  Treat each WhatsApp chat channel as a river, the messages as strange or interesting or curious objects floating in the river. Just observe the objects with neutrality, meaning read them or watch the video, stay on if it is interesting, else move on to the next floating object.  Be fully alert, aware, relaxed. Let the messages communicate what they attempt to communicate, take what the self wants to take, do not force it, do not judge it, do not indulge it beyond what is natural reaction of self.

Do this for 15-30 minutes as a break from the grind.

Do not make any commitment as to the messages, do not respond.  If you need to respond, do it some other time.

After the session, check yourself as to whether you have the same relaxation as watching the river flowing or sun setting. If not, there is something wrong in the meditation process.

I have 150 chat channels in Whatsapp, and usually have 5-7K pending messages. I do not make any commitment to read these messages. Clear the chats once a while, may be once in 15 days or so,  especially after a meditation session like the mentioned above.

WhatsApp meditation works for me as a meditation that helps to become one with the information overload crap, rather than running away from it.

A reflection for 5 minutes post meditation as to collect key impressions, inspirations, motivations, ideas, decisions and to do (if any) will help to get the utilitarian benefit of the session purely based on the merit of the impressions made by the worthy messages.  Also, it helps to benchmark the crappiness of certain channels or the tendency of crappiness of certain folks out there in the channels.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Abrupt end to an unusual sibling relation!

Abrupt end to a sibling relation – Simbi eliminates Nala in a brutal encounter!

We brought two sibling kittens a year back. They grew together with all the love and fun.  Nala was more white and domesticated. Simbi is more black and with genetics of wild cat. While it was easier for Simbi to hunt preys (mouse, squirrel, bird etc.),  Nala was more or less fumbling.  Simbi treated Nala as an elder sister, was bringing her prey to Nala out of sheer love and loyalty.  Even while running around, we noticed that Nala used to hit her head with walls etc. we used to make fun of her as needing spectacles.  

As Nala was of more domesticated breed, she became very intimate with us, enjoyed sitting on our lap or sleeping in between our legs in the night.  Simbi earned our respect as she behaved like a warrior cat, her expression of love to her sibling and us was quite subtle yet quite firmer than Nala.

Then Nala became pregnant and gave birth to one male kitten which got adopted at the end of two months.  During these two months, Simbi had to stay away from the mother and the kitten, though she had her chance to show her acceptance and love to the new arrival.  In the cat world, mother and kitten get their privacy by default.  But, Simbi came close to the nursing kitten and mother in a cozy corner of the cupboard right in front of our presence, smelled both of them and hinted that she loved both.  But the mother was wary, always pawed her sister away.

At the end of two months, Simbi became pregnant. We had just then given away Nala’s kitten for adoption. By now, we had learned that cat’s pregnancy lasts for two months. We could now understand that the two siblings,  between two of them, will alternate and give birth to new kittens every two months.  A sense of panic set in for us.  Simbi gave rise to three kitten two months down the road, and Nala became pregnant again by then.

Simbi’s kitten were quite beautiful, but given our  panic, we wanted to make sure that they were  sent away for adoption before Nala delivers her babies again.  Simbi was more possessive about her kitten than Nala was, Nala din’t even attempt to go close to Simbi’s kitten. This made it more obvious to us that we can’t have both siblings bringing up their kitten in parallel. So, timing of adoption needed to be right for this purpose alone. Though our intention was to keep Simbi’s kitten for 60 days, an opportunity arose to give away all the three kitten within the interval of day 45 and we took the plunge. But, for next 15 days we could notice Simbi’s plight as a mother, and it was beyond our expectation. We too silently mourned about our stupidity of hastening the separation by about 15 days.

For some reason, Nala’s delivery went beyond 60 days, she gave birth at around 75th day since our calculation, effectively leaving a gap of 30 days between the departure of Simbi’s kitten and arrival of her new three kitten. This gap of 30 days further highlighted our stupidity of rushing to let go Simbi’s kitten.

During the first month of babies, nursing of Nala’s new babies happened in a corner of cupboard. In the mean time, Simbi was busy attempting to get pregnant, everything was smooth in general.  Within a month, when Simbi became pregnant, we became more panicked. Within another twenty days afterwards, our veterinary doctor brother offered to sterilize both the sibling cats at our home.  We took the offer gladly.  Both cats got sterilized, and it was bit of a horror to watch two unborn kitten coming out of Simbi’s womb as part of the sterilization process.

 Post sterilization, life was as usual for Nala as she was enjoying her motherhood with three kitten, now grown to be of 45 plus days.  Simbi’s sterilization operation during her pregnancy somehow activated her mother hormones, she was attempting to come close to Nala’s kitten, we were bit worried whether kitten were in danger.  But in one maneuver, Simbi not only got hold of a kitten and started licking her convincing us not to worry.  Nala being more domesticated, accepted this move, the kitten now had two mothers, one biological and the other hormonal.  Kittens had more fun, they used to come to the biological mother for milk, but spent more time with Simbi for playing as Simbi was all craving and was going extra mile to lure them to play.  Nala was getting bit distressed, we used to help to patch up.

As the kittens crossed 60 days, we could give away one kitten for adoption.  The plight of missing kitten was equally shared by both the mothers, but it died down within two days, thanks to the other two kittens around.  But this time, Simbi grew more possessive, she started demanding to have more time with Nala’s kittens, the two sibling mothers started pawing each other gently to indicate the other to stay the hell out.  But, other times, they could be friendly around kittens. Our presence also helped them to hold the peace together.

After 90 days, something happened which we could not anticipate.  Nala started going through a process of shunning her kittens, pushing them to the independence of adolescence.  For fifteen days or so, it was mixed emotions, sometimes allowing big kittens to suckle her nipples for milk, some other time giving them a paw asking to stay away.  Eventually, this pawing grew stronger to be a blow.  Naturally, the kitten found more solace with their hormonal mother Simbi, and this phenomenon brought quite a distance between the mothers. 

In the mean time, Simbi was becoming closer to the male kitten that is adolescent now, leaving us wondering as to all the hugs and kisses are more than motherly!   Nala grew more and more distant from her kittens; her feelings were almost like the two kittens joining Simbi against her.  Our presence helped to keep things going, but Nala became so distressed that she could not return to peace even around us, so she maintained a distance with us too while confirming all is fine between her and us in particular.

One night, all five cats were with us in the living room, occasional growling sound of Nala was targeted to  her kittens,  Simbi maintaining silence and distance from Nala, but Nala stayed angry and did not allow us to catch hold of her and pet her to normalcy.  It was around 11 pm in the night, I decided to let all the four cats go out as I had planned to work late night. My plan was to let them in before going to bed.

Interestingly, no sign of cats especially the kittens willing to return inside, which usually happens within 20 minutes of being outside.  I could hear a distant sound of two cats growling with each other. It sounded like two female cats as the sound was not as vicious as two male cats.  As the sound was distant, I didn’t worry about it thinking it as a usual territory war between two some other female stray cats in the neighborhood, but I wondered why I have not seen these two around our place.
At 1.30 pm or so, first the two kittens came inside crest fallen.  I wondered why no adult accompanying them back. Within five more minutes, Simbi returned. She was in a bad mood. She held the friendliest male kitten’s neck in her mouth, giving a growl to him saying he better behave with her going forward. The male kitten complied, the female kitten maintained distance.  Things looked quite strange. I went out and called for Nala to return, no sign of Nala. Nala had given a skip against returning previous night too,  so I thought that she will anyway return for the special fish food to be served in the morning.

Morning came but Nala didn’t come, my suspicion of something gone wrong grew.  I went around the neighborhood calling her, but all in vain.  Afternoon, my daughter returned from college, in her usual petting of Simbi, noticed some dried blood near her mouth. I thought it was something to do with her usual hunting.  My daughter and I went for extended search in the neighbourhood calling Nala all the way with our “Tchu Tchu Tchu” sound.  Some neighbors gave misleading positive evidence. But our search abruptly stopped when our next road neighbor told us that the BBMP folks took away a white dead cat this morning. We instantly knew it was Nala. While I am used to this mayhem in cat’s world, my daughter became further mourning.  I wondered whether Nala went down due to a fight with another cat or dog, but both sounded unlikely, as Nala would have come running to us in a losing situation as she was quite a coward. Things were not adding up.

A sense of horror arose when things added up after one hour. Blood in the mouth of Simbi, unusual Don like behavior with kitten previous night, distant two female cats fighting sound previous night, distressed look in the eyes of two kitten, and the history of behavior  of the two mothers, all put together it was obvious now that Nala called for a fight with Simbi, and this fight was unusual in the sense, it was a fight until death, Simbi had no option other than fighting to her strength, Simbi being more wild in nature, could finish Nala in no time with minor bruises for self.  Simbi didn’t mean to kill Nala, but she was forced to do so by Nala, as Nala turned her hormonal anger on her sibling who was warrior like. Nala paid a huge price. Interestingly, both the cats chose backside neighbor’s site and not our premises; it was as if a mark of respect and loyalty to us, the caretakers.

End of glorious era of Nala.
Goodbye Nala! 
With all the tears overflowing!!

Here is to one of your final poses to me! Thank you for being such an intimate friend! You will be always missed as the level of love and friendship you gave and took may never be surpassed in my life!!

Thanks to your departure, the chronicles of seat arrest comes to an abrupt stop or pause!

Only way to repay for your majesty is to show it 100 times more in my remaining life ahead!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

QiGong Shibashi 18 is a gift for life - It is also my 2021 Deepavali wish and gift for you!

Dear friend, 

I am sending you the rewrite of my old blog as a Deepavali wish and gift for the year 2021. 

Tai Chi QiGong 18 has been one of the gifts of my life, though I have not done all justice to it. But, it has not only helped me when I used it, but also saved me better in bouncing back from ailments and down time many a time. In this elder age, it is helping me to beat back and neck pains, control BP and diabetes, most importantly it is helping me to ground myself across body, mind, heart and spirit with room to grow further as I wish and strive.

If you are already doing Yoga regularly, may be you do not need this gift, (as saying goes, it is enough to dig in one good place to get water, no need to keep digging everywhere and get lost)  yet it may be of curiosity to explore this. 

For people like me who are physically bit lazy (due to extended mental use), Yoga is too inconvenient  to commit, and it needs a setting and discipline to commit to. This alternative is easier for me, as one does this standing, it needs minimum commitment to start, return on time spent is as good as it is in Yoga, and finally it allows one to define individual style, rhythm and expression too. 

You may go through these demo videos and see similarity and differences across them, that is the flexibility and the room for individual expression and style.  You may choose one that impresses you, follow the video, do it daily, master all 18 steps in a month, so that you can continue doing with no help of video. You may beef up your progress with further reading on the topic in the internet.

Because this system combines posture, movement, meditation, breathing, imagination, feelings and centering, its effect across all realms become evident as you do it. If you find yourself yawning as you do it, it is a good sign that you badly need this break, the raising and balancing energy within you generates those yawns.

I find best time to do this as early morning after a minimum of 20 minutes of frisk walk. I take 20 minutes to do all 18 steps.  Choose indoor or outdoor depending on your convenience, outdoor is always better. You just need some space to stand and stretch, that is all.

As you invest to understand the spirit of each pose, the imagination associated, the subtlitity of movements, the composure, focus on Chi energy center all the time (one inch below naval, which is also center of gravity for the body), meditation with yourself and your surroundings, the dance you will have both with body movements and the breathing combined with imaginations and letting go, you will reap significant results and progress at all realms: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. You will slowly start noting the progress you are making in all four realms, individually and combined.

Whether you are a beginner or a master, your return on time with this system can be as much you can have with Hata Yoga.

Whether you sign up to explore this or learn this or master this or not, this is my  way of sending positive thoughts on your behalf, to take control of yourself, your life, your surroundings and your journey ahead. 

Wish you the best celebrations of Deepavali, and great year ahead.

This life is a gift, so are you! Let you unwrap all the gifts in you and around you as you dance in the journey of life!

Nataraja Upadhya

Nov 05, 2021
(Please note Tai Chi QiGong is a simple set of 18 exercises within one system of Tai Chi. Like Yoga, Tai Chi is a vast system, it has its varying schools and systems across the world, what I pointed to is less than a tip of the iceberg.)

Original Blog: May 04, 2017

As a post Tiananmen square demo crack down in China, there was a period of repression by the government during early 1990s, and one of the measures apparently taken was the ban of Qi Gong Tai Chi, a set of simple exercises the Chinese citizen choose to do in the park in the mornings or in the evenings.  Probably, the Chinese government dint want citizens to unite against it in the context of such gatherings.

But the rumor spread was that Chinese government does not want its people to be healthy, hence the ban. Now I think, it is the handiwork of Qi Gong fans, they might have used the opportunity to spread this system.  

If there is cold in China, you can hear the sneeze in the USA, that time I was in Kansas City, this may be approx. during 1995, saw an ad in the local news paper that this system will be taught in a local park. I did go and went through the session. I was too young and stupid to sense anything different and follow it through further later. It also sounded too difficult, partly I would blame the teaching.

Later, after close to 10 years gap, I was back in Bengaluru, India, there was a small booklet in the Gangarams about the 18 easy exercizes, and this booklet costed only Rs. 60-70.  I was quite fat with my food related indulgence, my attempt to go for walking/jogging in Lalbagh had ended with pneumonia due to regular exposure to early morning due in winter, though I had learned Yoga, I was too lazy to bend or stay put with those painful asanas. 

So, I did buy the book, learned the 18 positions, one position a day, and on the 18th day I was doing all the positions. If I did slowly, it took 20 minutes, if I rushed, it took only 10 minutes. Apparently it did its wonder, I dint fall into major sickness so far (touch wood!), I went to swimming for couple of years, but again the threat of pneumonia made me stop. I lost touch with this exercise, but I knew, I will  come back to it when I need it. (I never thinned down until my sense related passions slowed down post 50s,  I don't blame these exercises, rather it is due to the fact that I binged more due to the room given by these exercises, I still binge more than I should!).

During 2010-2015, I did conduct 7 different personality development related workshops, and one thing came to my mind was to teach these exercises to the teenagers, that went well, also helping me to keep in touch with it.

As I cross 50s, my health needs more attention than before, due to too much stressful engagements around my hobbies and usual indiscipline and binge continuing, the threat of Diabetes and Heart Disease are looming, I do get a sense of slipping on my day to day health, so decided to take up on these exercises as a regime, but my lack of discipline not helping, I decided to commit myself to teach so that teaching opportunities will mend me further towards my own reform around it.

I did teach this exercise once in an Organic Terrace Gardening meet session at Basavanagudi, I also announced my interest to teach it further to the gardening community, but since this being foreign, we already having the great Yoga, and I may not be the right brand ambassador etc. etc., not many takers on my offer so far.

So, what I do now a days is to introduce this system to those who are elderly, lazy, have lost hope on their ailment, looking for some magic in their situation etc. I have been using Whatsapp messages for such, I am yet to get any field feedback whether these exercises helped. (Also, there is a Murphy's law type of catch 22 principle working, which is that one who needs it will never do it, hence he or she is in that position of always needing it, and the one who does not need it is all gang-ho about it, and again that is due to the attitude he or she will never need it). 

But, I know it helped me, and I have now decided to do this regularly, so asking the folks at home to join me so that we do it together until it becomes a hobby (21 days with no break), and a permanent hobby for life (90 days with no break).

Then I wonder, why I restrict my propaganda to Whatsapp only, this blog is to expand my propaganda universally. Also, I like to collect some individual experiences from the field as to its healing abilities to reconfirm on my intuitive understanding linking to my own realities. (Appreciate any individual experience based feedback in the comments, no need for personal opinions outside that!)

Since YouTube is the best teacher out there, one can quickly learn these watching the videos. I have chose four different masters doing these. You may also search on Internet as to greater details of 18 positions and also the theme / theory / concept behind the whole system and how it is expected to help at the level of Qi (Chi).

You may follow all four versions here, and then choose a master who is less painful to you in picking up the system.  The exercise takes 10-25 minutes depending on the speed.  Also, there are many more positions than 18, but these 18 are easy and enough. I notice that one or two exercises I read in the book are missing in these videos, but these videos do have 18, therefore, if we collate everyone's 18, we may end up with 30-40 distinct exercises.

I am not against Yogasanas, that may be the best option out there, but Yoga system it is not suited for the lazy ones, current life style makes majority into lazy ones, below the mark of readiness to embrace Yoga. This system here could be the bridge to get back to normalcy, further it is easier, one will do it standing, so can be done anywhere at any time.

All of us are facing some catch-22 kind of challenge, which is somewhat like I need to do it, but unable to, I believe the victory over this set of exercise gets us closer to break the barriers of such catch-22s. That is true with other systems too like Yoga, Pranayama, Laughing Club, swimming, walking, jogging, gym etc. but my personal experience is that the return on investment of time is quite high with this system!

My recommendation of YouTube videos:

The best one:

Tai Chi Qigong 18 movements -Sue Joan Chang demonstrates

Next best one:

(For the documentation of names of positions, but I like the next video better)

There are more videos out there.  Also, once you get the hang of it, you can dig deeper with your own research on this system, you will be amazed as to how far deep you can go into it as is the case with Yoga. But, my focus here is to create a sense of hope out there for the hopeless, having painful ailments and looking for a breakthrough. My point is that you may end up with more than what I hope here (not promising anything though).

Best wishes!
Nataraja Upadhya

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Applet is a very big deal!

I am not much into happy birthday's, but am overwhelmed by the wishes, thanks to one and all!

As I am required to transition to consider what others think important also as important, I need to make a mountainous effort to catch up with happy birthday culture.

Therefore I need help.

I need a reliable applet that runs on both android and IOS to manage happy birthday wishes. This applet needs to have the following requirements.

1. It interfaces with all the social network sites and stores everyone's birthdays. It automatically sends birthday wishes to the persons on all possible and allowed social network profiles and emails.

2. It also interfaces with the address books and extract contacts, allows to enter birthdays where info is not available.

3. It allows one to pre-mark the friends for birthday wishes. The ones not marked will not be wished.

4. It allows to store a default wishing message.

5. It allows to customize a message for a particular person or set of persons, beforehand.

6. It keeps a log of all birthday messages sent, it also receives acknowledgements and thank you notes for the same.

7. It allows to manage and clear message logs in one go or selectively.

8. It is quite handy for one to manage his or her birthday. It allows to edit the birth date as needed. It allows to block or open to receive birthday messages. It is intelligent enough to read birthday wishes from social network profiles and emails and log them in the applet. It allows to send a standard or customized thank you note to all the wishes.

9. All messages can have an attachment with reasonable size limit to make the message personal and with additional value add.

10. It has an analytic engine to analyze the birthday wishes by different parameters.

11. These applets will monetize their investment through advertisements, which again are tuned by the ad suppliers based on profile info they already have.

12. The app also grows over time and helps to social network better across multiple sites. For example, it can become a single broadcasting agent to place a post in multiple sites or multiple groups in a site.

13. The app also allows to send and receive gifts electronically. Either these gifts are linked to a e-commerce registry site or virtual gifts can be made to and fro net banking, debit card, credit card, phone recharge etc. The permissions for the same are controlled by individuals.

14. With permissions set by individuals, the birthday wishes and the gifts associated can be accessed by commercial entities and other third party marketing parties.

15. The apps are extensively used by agencies where birthdays cannot be missed. Schools, colleges, alumni bodies, groups, clubs, families and friends etc. etc.

16. Eventually this app grows to be yet another popular social network forum.

Key value addition of this applet is to make the birth day wish sending and receiving a cakewalk, and making acknowledgements for the same automatic. Strategically, it helps to extract more strategic value out of these transactions in terms of increased friendship, intimacy, interaction, collaboration, and value exchanges. With the help of cloud based analytics, it helps the individual to bring more focus, strategy and impact in the networking associated.

Eventually, this concept is extended to the commercial space, customer management based contexts can leverage this concept further, especially by small businesses and business chains.

Bottom line, the individual or institution is made to focus more on connections and the emotions associated, necessary grunt work is taken care by the applet.

I am disappointed that no giant has thought of such an ubiquitous value add. Therefore, whoever leads on this value add will become another giant in the social networking space.

This thought is my gift to the universe on the valentine day of 2017 which is also my birthday!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Story of attempting to build an urban evergreen jungle on our terrace since Year 2010!

It is June 2010, the old terrace was water treated against old cracks.  The narrow surroundings around the house had not enough sun rays for the flowers to bloom. So, the initial idea was to establish a flower garden. So, with 20 pots, the flower garden was installed.

But the story developed further. Within 2 years since then, a clarity came to transform the sides and top of the house into an urban evergreen jungle.

The efforts are on since then to get the jungle. The jungle is no way complete or close to it. But, tremendous learning and diversity of interesting experiences.

A new hobby, called Garden Photography emerged.  For those who may wonder why there are so many photos in an album, answer is that there is a method to my madness. The garden is a living being, it varies across space (eg. different fruit or flower) and time. Further, my camera look at it also changes. Admit, that the volume of photos may tire you if you are not a garden photography buff, in which case you may go for a faster glance across the album in one go!

A new FaceBook group called Urban EverGreen Jungle was created.

The experiences here helped to identify core principles of establishing an Urban EverGreen Jungle as follows:

This group is to promote the concept and practice of urban evergreen jungle throughout the world. The principles of urban evergreen jungle are as follows:

1. Maximum green coverage per urban sq feet

2. Bio diversity including all plants, birds, animals, insects and all other beings, In the age of species going extinct, position our private and pubic urban space as a refuge and sanctuary for maximum number and type of beings to survive and proliferate across partnering spaces through exchanges.

3. Organic way of cultivation with no pesticides, chemicals etc, promotion of permaculture

4. Leveraging urban setups for conservation and sustainable way of life leading to increased harmony in our life

5. Maximize utility value in terms of food, medicine, bio products, shade, oxygen etc to all beings, not just humans

6. Waste management by converting all organic waste into compost and practicing integrated waste management

7. Integrate gardening, forestry, agriculture into one artistic practice towards sustainability and harmony!

8. And most importantly transforming our urban spaces especially homes and all other buildings and structures into a green space that deserves to be called as jungle!

9. Assist individuals, families, communities, institutions and agencies to benefit from the intentional urban green cover at all levels, commercially, ecologically, culturally, emotionally and spiritually!

Since everyone do not want to identify self with a jungle in an urban scenario, another FaceBook group called "Garden Show & Tell / Ask & Learn" was established for all well meaning gardeners to share their experiences, learn and expand further on their hobby. This group has no curbs or limitations as to type of gardening.

In 2016, attempted to document the wisdom learned in developing the urban evergreen jungle

Given below are some other videos from our Urban EverGreen Jungle:

Given below are the links to the FaceBook photo albums, capturing the status of the jungle through different timelines.

Year 2012 thru Year 2017:

Year 2009 / 2010 :

Year 2011 / 2012:

Year 2013 / 2014:

2015 Q1:

2015 Q2:

2015 Q3:

2015 Q4:

2016 January:

2016 February:

2016 March:

2016 April:

2016 May:

2016 June:

2016 July:

2016 August:

2016 September:

2016 October:

2016 November:

2016 December:

2017 January:

2017 February: